Sunday, May 10, 2009

Notes from The Truth Project

Here follows some of the points, summary of notes, and personal thoughts from Dr. Del Tackett's teaching this past weekend at The Truth Project training conference:
-We live in a culture of tolerance which says that if I don't tell you that you are wrong, then you don't tell me that I am wrong.
-We tend to turn away from God when what they see about the nature of God doesn't match with their own desires.
-A right knowledge of the truths about God will lead a person to either repentance and transformation, or depression and despair.  This is why many people don't want to hear about the truth and others are checking out of life.
-When transformation is the result of the knowledge of the truth, our true selves and our culture are exposed, and it creates people who are world-changers.
-The major obstacles to living significant, world changing lives:
1. Hungering for to live the fake life of this world
2. Natural myopia - not being able to look beyond yourself
3. A persistent sin that is left unaddressed
4. Apathy that come from living for yourself
5. Fear. . . of venerability, of losing face, fear of man.
-We are the most connected generation of people ever through modern technology, yet we are arguably also the loneliest generation, since we have forgotten how to have meaningful relationships and instead live self-centered lives of seeking our own happiness.
-Each of us is born with a hunger for significance that can only be satisfied in God.
-Every time we try to defy the laws of God, the effect is unavoidable.  In the physical realm this effect is immediate, for example trying to defy the law of gravity.  In the social realm, the effect may not be immediate, but it is just as unavoidable.
-A good thing cannot be called good unless it is used the way God intended and designed it.
-Two things are decisive in defining our worldview: how we think about who man is and who who God is.
-According to a poll, 80% of Christians walk away from their faith after attending college. This is due to a lack of having the confidence of a truth based worldview which leads to falling captive to assumptive lies.  
From personal experience, that percentage is significantly higher in the military.  So should we avoid secular institutions in order to protect ourselves and our faith from exposure to the lies and wrong thinking?  No, we should arm ourselves with the truths of God, verify that it is based in the heart and not just a public profession, and expose the blindness of our culture with the truth in a loving and graceful way.  This done is through building real relationships with people, praying with them and for them by name, that God would do His work in them.  By living a selfless life of total submission to God and a willingness to be a stepping stone for others.  By looking at people as prisoners of the world they live in and needing the truths of God to set them free.  Not judging them by the first thoughts that cross our mind when we meet them.  By avoiding all pride that would lead to ungraciousness, haughtiness, and an unwillingness to live our lives in a way that makes God look glorious.  Our goal is not the survival of our selves and our faith, but to live in our world in such a way that God will can take hold of us and use us to storm the gates.  How do we do this?  As Dr. Tackett put it "I have no clue, but God does and there is no higher calling."

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